For my sweet little diva 2 year old, I decided to soup up some of her old shoes and give her what she wants. Glittler, and bows. If you have ever had the "princess" type daughter, you will appreciate these shoes. This is how her shoe started, I was such a dork I forgot to take a picture before I got out the sharpie markers, so this is the shoe after I colored the flowers red, (they were off pink before), and I colored in the red stripes that were already there before, but looking really grubby. <-- Right here I used a cotton swab to apply Elmer's glue to the front of the shoe, only on the white panel. Then I added that really fine powdery glitter (sorry I don't have an exact name for it.)
For the flowers on the shoes I did the same thing, used a cotton swab and added the glue to the petals of the flower, not the middle, and added the glitter.
Last I tied a red ribbon into a bow and hot glued it onto the back of the shoe under that little loopy. I know the ribbon is probably over the top and a bit cheesy, but you should have seen her eyes pop out when she saw her new shoes!
The bow was the finishing touch, so I sprayed the glitter parts of the shoe lightly with hairspray for some extra stick, and wiped off the shoe with a clean cotton swab to get rid of the extra glitter that was hanging onto the shoe.
When I was sure they were dry I let her try them on, and her little gasp and point, "Shoes!" told me not only that I have a mini woman on my hands, but that she approves of the new look of her shoe. :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Making old shoes look new!
Posted by candybeans at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Making an old backpack look new!
Okay, so for the new school year, I always want my kids to have everything new- however this year it wasn’t possible. So I decided to soup up the kids old backpacks to look new, and why not? Thats what we should be doing anyways right? So, I got out the backpacks, ran them through the washer, and got out my favorite secret box of sharpie markers! Did I mention I loooove sharpies? I wish I had some before pictures on the backpacks but I was an idiot and didnt think of taking them! But you can imagine the grubby old look that an old backpack has. Here is my sons backpack that had some stains and scoffs on the grey strips on both sides of his hero’s in the middle- so I drew the crazy flames in blue and colored them in with orange and yellow, then filled in the background with red. I did this on both sides and it even though they were just two small parts of the backpack it really did make it look new and the marker hid the stains that plain grey didn’t.
My daughter’s backpack was all pink and white, and I should mention she is ALL done having pink anywhere around her. Now that she’s ooooolder she refuses anything that may come across as “little girly”. Luckily, she doesn’t mind purple, and has a love for kokopelli’s so thats what I went for.
Posted by candybeans at 9:53 AM 0 comments